Information for those looking to rent in Kilmuckridge. Lists 20 of each type
Rent arrears
Appellant: Ron Branagan - Respondent: Jacqueline Belotti
Appellant Landlord: John Kirwan - Respondent Tenant: Melanie Hibbert
Rent arrears and overholding
Applicant Landlord: Chris Gleasure - Respondent Tenant: Barry Wotton
Validity of notice of termination, Rent arrears, Breach of tenant obligations, Overholding
Applicant/Respondent Landlord: Anne Tallis - Respondent/Applicant Tenant: Michelle O’ Connor
Rent arrears, Overholding
Applicant Landlord : Anthony Redmond - Respondent Tenant : Veronica Helen McDonald
Rent arrears, Overholding
Applicant Landlord : Anthony Redmond - Respondent Tenant : Veronica Helen Graham
Damage in excess of normal wear and tear, Rent Arrears
Applicant Landlord: Eamonn O’Connor - Respondent Tenants: Adrienne Martin, Tracy Stevens
Validity of notice of termination, Rent arrears, Breach of landlord obligations, Overholding, Rent arrears and overholding
Appellant Landlord: Margaret Dixon - Respondent Tenant: Georgie Maher
Validity of notice of termination, Rent arrears, Unlawful termination of tenancy, Overholding, Other
Applicant/Respondent Tenants : Joslyn King; Piotr Pedzisz - Respondent/Applicant Landlord : Lisa Fanning is currently self-funded to make rental data accessible to all in Ireland. A 100% Independent Project